Wednesday, February 18, 2009

All of the sudden....

...its only 4 days until I leave for South Korea. What the heck? Where did all the time go? I can't believe I've been living at home since August and I went through so many agonizing weeks deciding what to do with my life. In hindsight, I was very anxious for a while there, locking myself for hours in my room doing internet research on various countries and employment opportunities. Now that the day is (almost) here, I don't know what to think! Yes, I am excited. Yes, I am a little scared. Yes, I am stressed. But, I know it will all be O.K. The things mostly on my mind right now are whether I will have enough space for all my clothes and shoes and whether or not I will find people I like to hang out with in this new place. I suppose I should be worried about learning Korean, right? Or maybe figuring out places I want to see in Korea? Well, I'm not, I can worry about that later. And maybe at that point, fretting about the amount of space in my suitcases and weighing them in under the allotted 50lbs will seem insignificant. All I know is that there is a lot of exciting times ahead of me this year. Hopefully. AND I WILL UPDATE THIS BLOG!!!! (keep your fingers crossed...)


Tim said...

So, what are your impressions of Seoul? Our impression of the house is that it is rather empty

Anonymous said...

Did you make it over there? How crazy-big is the Seoul area?