Monday, April 27, 2009


This weekend, I decide to try to take it easy. I went to bed fairly early on Friday, and on Saturday, Alicia and I ventured into Seoul for some shopping. The weather turned out to be terrible though and it started raining almost as soon as we got there. We're talking cold, miserable rain. We got pretty wet, and spent awhile looking for a Mexican restaurant in Itaewon. Saturday night was pretty early as well...I was in bed by midnight. On Sunday, however, I woke up with a terrible cough and an achy, fevery body. I'm still fighting a fever even today at work :( I'm just glad that Swine Flu hasn't made it to South Korea yet. I'm sick of being sick!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aww thanks emily, that means a lot to me that you read my blog!! it is nice to have a glimpse into each other's lives through blogging. i hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!